Obion County Board of Education
April 11, 2016

Agenda Item: VIII.D.

Consider/Approve Adoption of Board Policy #3.210-Naming Facilities

Background Information:

Adoption of Board Policy #3.210-Naming Facilities will require facilities of the school system to be named through Board action. The new board policy will require any citizen, board member, or school personnel who wishes to name a new or existing school facility to submit his/her request with supporting reasons and a petition with a minimum of 75 signatures from the community representing that school zone. The school board representative from that zone will then send the recommendation to the Director of Schools for board consideration. The proposal will be presented and voted on at the next scheduled meeting. The board retains the right to rescind the naming privilege of any facility if events occur which may create a negative perception of the school system, school(s), students or employees.


Staff Recommendation:

I recommend adoption of Board Policy #3.210-Naming Facilities on the first reading.